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Re: [KX3] Power On/Off Button Combo

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Re: [KX3] Power On/Off Button Combo

Phillip Nichols-2
10 posts
We will get that second question aswered I hope...

Wayne - Can the shut-off be setup according to Time as well.?

   1. Fixed Set-Time for On
   2. Fixed Set-Time for Off
   3. Variable Time for Off.

Ok, Now we have three ways.

-.  ---..  .-  -.--  .

Ray Sills said the following on 1/4/2012 10:57 AM:

> Hi Phillip:
> I read that the on-board clock will enable the KX3 to be a "clock
> radio".  So, I'd assume you could program a time to have it shut off,
> too.
> 73 de Ray
> On Jan 4, 2012, at 10:51 AM, Phillip Nichols wrote:
>> On one hand I would prefer a recessed physical switch similar to that
>> used for the Internal Battery-pack on the K1. I like the idea of OFF
>> is OFF!
>> On the other hand, MY QUESTIONS:
>> 1) Will the KX3 have an auto-off timer?
>> 2) It will have the TIME (I thought I read that somewhere), can it
>> also have a Simple power-on ALARM? Would be nice to have it setup and
>> come-on for that early morning Net.
>> 73/Phillip/N8AYE
>> -.  ---..  .-  -.--  .
>> dyarnes1 said the following on 1/4/2012 7:09 AM:
>>> Hi All,
>>> I just downloaded the 2 page control panel reference, and I was
>>> trying to visualize each control's features. Having so many features
>>> crammed into the KX3 certainly mandated using just about every
>>> button and knob for multiple actions.
>>> The one thing that struck me as being less than ideal was the way
>>> the KX3 is powered on and off. I've been fortunate enough to see the
>>> KX3 prototypes a time or two, but I'd never seen the power on/power
>>> off process. I fully realize there may not be a really good option,
>>> but it just seemed to me, ergonomically, that having to push two
>>> buttons at once might not be all that user friendly--particularly
>>> two buttons in a vertical plane, and separated by two intervening
>>> buttons. I think I would have preferred two buttons in a horizontal
>>> plane, even if they were separated by intervening buttons. Of
>>> course, just one button would have been better, but looking at all
>>> the things that have to be activated by one button or another, I'm
>>> not sure where or how that could have been done.
>>> Actually, the way it is configured, I may be at somewhat of an
>>> advantage since I'm left handed. I wonder how a right handed person
>>> would feel about this configuration. It also seems that a lot will
>>> depend on just how, and where, the KX3 is positioned. There was a
>>> lot of commentary early on about the K3 as to how pushing certain
>>> buttons could cause the K3 to skid a bit. That was mostly by folks
>>> who thought the K3 was too small overall--a criticism I never bought
>>> into at all.
>>> In any event, I'm not really being critical here--especially since I
>>> strongly suspect every aspect of the KX3's control panel was given a
>>> great deal of thought during the design stage. This may be
>>> "inconvenient", but only at the beginning, and again at the end, of
>>> a period of use. So, no big deal probably. I just need to make sure
>>> I have my glasses on when I power up or down! Hi.
>>> Dave W7AQK
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