Re: KXer

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Re: KXer

Chuck Gehring
The only information you will find on the KXer is that article in the August
issue of Bacon Bits
or directly from Richard Meiss.  You can view some of his other keys at
My KXer cost $125.00.  If you need more material contact Richard Meiss, he
has three e-mail adresses posted on
If I had a web site I would post pictures of mine or provide more
information.  The keys shown in the Bacon Bits articles are proto types.
The KXer connects directly the KX1 usiing the existing screw attachment and
the stereo plug.  Richard put a small brass plate on the bottom of the KXer
that locks the KXer into the KX1 and takes any strain off the exisiting KX1
connections.  If you contact me I can provide you pictures of my KXer

Chuck Gehring

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