Re: Love Those K3 Memories!

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Re: Love Those K3 Memories!

> But let me toss out an idea. These first 10 memories *could* store
> exactly the same thing as the normal band memories (those you
> get to by tapping BAND UP/DN), but only for 10 bands (say 160-10 m).
> This behavior could be specified using a future menu entry. It would
> give you two-tap, per-band recall over the entire range.

10 bands is 160 - 6 (I don't count 60 <G>).  Using the first 10 memories
as the "last used" frequency for each band makes a lot of sense.  Adding
the ability to cycle through a four frequency per band stack for each
would be even better.


   ... Joe, W4TV

Joe, that's a TERRIFIC idea.!!!!  I was hoping someone would come up
with an idea like yours to make band changing along with the ability to
change frequency within a band along with mode, bandwidth, etc. by
repeatedly tapping the same button.  It would be nice if someday
Elecraft could come up with a remote pod that would also incorporate
your idea.

Jerry  N8BM

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