On 24 Sep 2004 at 4:02, Doug N7BNT, who eschews obfuscation, wrote:
> Anyone have recommendations for a great place to buy pre-assembled
> BNC-to-BNC and/or BNC-to-PL259 cable assemblies in various lengths?
Doug, we've used Joel at RF Connection in MD, www.therfc.com or 301-840-
5477 for decades. He's a ham, knowledgeable and honest. Our primary
source for everything up to and including hardline.
He makes cable harnesses to milspec (literally; we're a government
contractor and have his stuff all over the world) but charges ham prices.
He'll make anything to anything. He can recommend or you can spec cables
and connectors.
Ask him to boot the connectors like he does for me. Looks good and much
He uses $600 tools I can't afford to buy for our relatively small volume
on top of having the experience and access to all the supplies we don't.
Steve WA3SWS
Steve Uhrig, SWS Security, Maryland (USA)
Mfrs of electronic surveillance equip
[hidden email] website
http://www.swssec.comtel +1+410-879-4035, fax +1+410-836-1190
"In God we trust, all others we monitor"
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