>You must have had the R-Paks tilted in toward the crystals a bit rather than
They are exactly straight up. I may have the crystals shifted a bit, bit no
more than the play of their leads in the pads allow for. They are straight
up as well.
>I just checked 2 KSB2s that I just built and there is enough
>space to slide a business card thickness easily between either the crystal
>and the RF Choke or on the R-Pak side.
Very odd, looking from my board.... They are absolutely stuck in there.
>I really can't imagine why you
>scraped the wire on the smooth crystal body (or on the R-Pak either)
I may have been unclear in my original post. The wire got scraped while
winding the RFC, I didn't scrape it during installation.
Bart de PA3GYU
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