Re: RFC1 and RFC2 on KSB2

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Re: RFC1 and RFC2 on KSB2

I agree a little more guidance in the manual would prevent the potential for
problems with the installation of these chokes.

After building my KSB2 I made the following suggestions to Elecraft

Manual used Rev E, July 20, 2004.

Instructions very good.   Some minor suggestions.

Page 3  
"Mis Wire #24 insulated, solid conductor 2ft."  Did not use and could not
find any references to it in the text??

Page 8
Second tick box.  "Install D5 (1N4148), on left side of the board near Z1
and Q1"  Suggest change Z1 to C34

Page 10  
Installation of Xtals.  There is minimum spacing between the X3 and RP1,
also X5 and RP2 for RFC1 and RFC2.   The hole size for the xtal leads allows
the xtals to either be moved slightly together or apart.   A note to keep
them slid together makes for easier installation of RFC1 and RFC2.

Page 12
Installation of RFC1 and RFC2.  If you strip the leads to the normal 1/8" of
the core there is a lot of bare wire which could short on to the xtal can if
not careful.    If it was suggested to pre-mount the chokes to find out how
much wire needed to be stripped before stripping the wire, this would avoid
this problem.

Page 15
Bottom line. "....OP2 - OP5 also select OP1...." change to "....OP2 - OP5
also.  Select OP1...."

73s,  Nigel ZL2DF

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