I received my T1 yesterday and built it last night. It went together
flawlessly and I'm going to love it. I've been wishing I had a small
automatic tuner like this and now I have one! A couple comments:
Positive - Now that I have the finished tuner in my hand, I can say it
exceeded my expectations. I especially wasn't expecting the flashing LED's
of the "info" feature to be easy to read, but they are.
Negative - Since the assembly manual is written for builders of all skill
levels, there are a lot of details and cautions that an experienced builder
may not need to hear. That made construction slower and a little more
confusing for me than the less detailed "Steve Weber" style of instructions,
which say something like, "These parts go here, and those parts go there".
I guess I did have one problem after building it though. I didn't have the
rear of the battery all the way down against the bottom of the box when
installing it, and accidentally broke the battery retaining tab when I was
trying to push it down. It won't be a problem to shim the battery though -
especially since I only plan to replace it once a year, when I replace our
smoke alarm batteries!
Start to finish, the project took about six hours, so I'm going to need to
get caught up on some sleep tonight!
Denny Payton N9JXY
Auburn, IN
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