Re: Walking antennas

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Re: Walking antennas

>From: [hidden email]
>Subject: [Elecraft] just waiting for my T!

>My friend down in Georgia sent me a photo of his PRC-2000, That is a fairly
>current mil spec
>1-30mhz synthesised man pack. IT HAS A SPECIAL 9 FOOT WHIP, WITH AN

>Hmmm what gives with that?

Likely the range of the tuner is optimized to match the extremely high impedance
such a short antenna would have at HF frequencies

>    I guess there really is no great antenna for walking  about. I was
>thinking of using a telescoping antenna from a old 5W CB walkie  talkie. Base load
>it with a 10 feet of wire air core of 1/2 inch diameter PVC.

:-) Depends on what you mean by "Great". In the mil application you
referenced, a relatively short distance (by ham standards) is probably "great"
in their application. It's never meant for a ground pounder with a manpack
to work dx, likely, just to report to a regional or divisional communications
center less than 100 miles away.

A telescoping cb whip with base loading isn't going to (regularly) provide
a great deal of other than local communincations at QRP levels. Yes, I know
that it's possible, but it's not going to be possible very easily (especially
if using voice).

>If there is a decent commercial product, I am not adverse to paying for a
>QRP antenna.

Commercial firms arent any better at making a  "QRP antenna" than you
and I are. Their skills lie in  *marketing* small, inefficient antennas.
There is no "miracle" in small antennas. Yes they match ok, but so will
a resistor (which is much cheaper). A loaded thin flexible whip as large
as you can make it, with a "drag wire" would likely provide a better
radiated signal than small "miracles" operated against no ground.

>Seems like most role their own.

It's less painful to the wallet that way, with little or no difference
in performance.

Good luck... there's no magic bullet for working HF with a small antenna
with a poor ground plane (as is found in all "walking mobile" situations...
unless you're walking in the ocean!)

Good luck and let us know your results!

John K5MO

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