Re: Which Mods are applicable?

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Re: Which Mods are applicable?

Bob Evans-4

I have just finished K2 #4687 with KPA100, DSP, 160M, SSB and NB.  My kit
came with all required mods already in the parts package.  All I needed to
do was to update the construction manual with written notes found on the
included Errata sheets.  Elecraft included one Mod bag of parts for either
the DSP or KPA100 (I don't remember which one)  which I THOUGHT needed to be
installed, but after realizing I was replacing a capacitor with the exact
same capacitor (I'm slow sometimes), I realized the corrected parts were
already incorporated into the regular parts inventory.  The only part I had
to replace which can be called a mod, was C71 in the KPA100.  As luck (or
incredible planning on Elecraft's part) would have it, the .1uF capacitor
needed for C71 was a spare left over from one of the other accessories.  

My point is:  I wouldn't worry about those "optional" mods until you get the
rig together.  Elecraft has done a great job of getting an up-to-date kit in
your hands so that you don't have to worry.

Have fun!

Bob K5WA


<How does one determine which should/need be purchased?

<If needed why are they not included with the

<appropriate kit? It appears I could spend a hundred

<dollars or more on modifications to make a new radio

<work. That could wreck my radio budget.

<Thanks for the help,

<Jim, AB0UK



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RE: Re: Which Mods are applicable?

Hhmmm. This is the second time today that I have seen the C71 reference on
the KPA100 board. I am in the process of building my KPA100. Do I need to
replace this cap now before I go any further? I don't have a DSP unit, but
will be adding it later. I would rather do the mod now than have to take it
apart and do it later. What do ya'll think?

Stan Rife
Houston, TX
K2 S/N 4216

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Bob Evans
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2005 12:33 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [Elecraft] Re: Which Mods are applicable?


I have just finished K2 #4687 with KPA100, DSP, 160M, SSB and NB.  My kit
came with all required mods already in the parts package.  All I needed to
do was to update the construction manual with written notes found on the
included Errata sheets.  Elecraft included one Mod bag of parts for either
the DSP or KPA100 (I don't remember which one)  which I THOUGHT needed to be
installed, but after realizing I was replacing a capacitor with the exact
same capacitor (I'm slow sometimes), I realized the corrected parts were
already incorporated into the regular parts inventory.  The only part I had
to replace which can be called a mod, was C71 in the KPA100.  As luck (or
incredible planning on Elecraft's part) would have it, the .1uF capacitor
needed for C71 was a spare left over from one of the other accessories.  

My point is:  I wouldn't worry about those "optional" mods until you get the
rig together.  Elecraft has done a great job of getting an up-to-date kit in
your hands so that you don't have to worry.

Have fun!

Bob K5WA


<How does one determine which should/need be purchased?

<If needed why are they not included with the

<appropriate kit? It appears I could spend a hundred

<dollars or more on modifications to make a new radio

<work. That could wreck my radio budget.

<Thanks for the help,

<Jim, AB0UK



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Re: Re: Which Capacitor is it?

Ted Turk
Hi All,

My K2 will be in the post soon.  Meanwhile I have been avidly reading
in readiness for the build.  One mention of this mod refers to C72,
many others like Stan & Jim refer to C71.  Checking the schematic for
the KPA100, C71 is listed as  0.0018uf  decoupling RFC3 to ground and
C72 0.01uF decouples the gate of Q6 if I read it right.  Can someone
please check this out before I need to get a solder sucker out!!

73 to all, thanks for the excellent reflector and those at Elecraft for
the excellent manuals.  Looking forward to joining you with the build
and on the air.

Ted Turk G7BQM

On 29 Jan 2005, at 00:25, Stan Rife wrote:

> Hhmmm. This is the second time today that I have seen the C71
> reference on
> the KPA100 board. I am in the process of building my KPA100. Do I need
> to
> replace this cap now before I go any further? I don't have a DSP unit,
> but
> will be adding it later. I would rather do the mod now than have to
> take it
> apart and do it later. What do ya'll think?
> Stan Rife
> Houston, TX
> K2 S/N 4216
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [hidden email]
> [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Bob Evans
> Sent: Friday, January 28, 2005 12:33 PM
> To: [hidden email]
> Subject: [Elecraft] Re: Which Mods are applicable?
> Jim,
> I have just finished K2 #4687 with KPA100, DSP, 160M, SSB and NB.  My
> kit
> came with all required mods already in the parts package.  All I
> needed to
> do was to update the construction manual with written notes found on
> the
> included Errata sheets.  Elecraft included one Mod bag of parts for
> either
> the DSP or KPA100 (I don't remember which one)  which I THOUGHT needed
> to be
> installed, but after realizing I was replacing a capacitor with the
> exact
> same capacitor (I'm slow sometimes), I realized the corrected parts
> were
> already incorporated into the regular parts inventory.  The only part
> I had
> to replace which can be called a mod, was C71 in the KPA100.  As luck
> (or
> incredible planning on Elecraft's part) would have it, the .1uF
> capacitor
> needed for C71 was a spare left over from one of the other accessories.
> My point is:  I wouldn't worry about those "optional" mods until you
> get the
> rig together.  Elecraft has done a great job of getting an up-to-date
> kit in
> your hands so that you don't have to worry.
> Have fun!
> Bob K5WA
> *************************
> <How does one determine which should/need be purchased?
> <If needed why are they not included with the
> <appropriate kit? It appears I could spend a hundred
> <dollars or more on modifications to make a new radio
> <work. That could wreck my radio budget.
> <Thanks for the help,
> <Jim, AB0UK
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> Elecraft web page:
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> Elecraft mailing list
> Post to: [hidden email]
> You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
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Re: Re: Which Capacitor is it?

Geoffrey Mackenzie-Kennedy-2
Welcome Ted,

Sorry, biut I cannot help on this one as I have yet to find out what it is
all about. The old problem, time !!

Have fun building and then using your KPA/100, I'm sure you will. Mine went
together like a piece of cake thanks to the great job done at Elecraft. And
the folk on the reflector are of the best, great guys and girls, and of
great help.

Hope to work you when you are not busy working far and wide !


GM4ESD          K2/100 #3255

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ted Turk" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2005 9:00 AM
Subject: Re: [Elecraft] Re: Which Capacitor is it?

> Hi All,
> My K2 will be in the post soon.  Meanwhile I have been avidly reading
> in readiness for the build.  One mention of this mod refers to C72,
> many others like Stan & Jim refer to C71.  Checking the schematic for
> the KPA100, C71 is listed as  0.0018uf  decoupling RFC3 to ground and
> C72 0.01uF decouples the gate of Q6 if I read it right.  Can someone
> please check this out before I need to get a solder sucker out!!
> 73 to all, thanks for the excellent reflector and those at Elecraft for
> the excellent manuals.  Looking forward to joining you with the build
> and on the air.
> Ted Turk G7BQM

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Re: Re: Which Capacitor is it?

Don Wilhelm-3
In reply to this post by Ted Turk
Ted and all,

It is C72 - originally a 0.01uF located at the gate of Q6.  Should you doubt
it, I can supply the confirming e-mail 'from the horse's mouth' when I first
asked that same question.

I do not yet know if this is a recommended change or if it is only to be
applied when the 'click on un-mute' problem rears its ugly head - you will
have to query Wayne, Eric, and Gary (and possibly Lyle) on that point.


----- Original Message -----

> My K2 will be in the post soon.  Meanwhile I have been avidly reading in
> readiness for the build.  One mention of this mod refers to C72, many
> others like Stan & Jim refer to C71.  Checking the schematic for the
> KPA100, C71 is listed as  0.0018uf  decoupling RFC3 to ground and C72
> 0.01uF decouples the gate of Q6 if I read it right.  Can someone please
> check this out before I need to get a solder sucker out!!
> 73 to all, thanks for the excellent reflector and those at Elecraft for
> the excellent manuals.  Looking forward to joining you with the build and
> on the air.
> Ted Turk G7BQM
> On 29 Jan 2005, at 00:25, Stan Rife wrote:
>> Hhmmm. This is the second time today that I have seen the C71 reference
>> on
>> the KPA100 board. I am in the process of building my KPA100. Do I need to
>> replace this cap now before I go any further? I don't have a DSP unit,
>> but
>> will be adding it later. I would rather do the mod now than have to take
>> it
>> apart and do it later. What do ya'll think?
>> Stan Rife
>> W5EWA
>> Houston, TX
>> K2 S/N 4216
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [hidden email]
>> [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Bob Evans
>> Sent: Friday, January 28, 2005 12:33 PM
>> To: [hidden email]
>> Subject: [Elecraft] Re: Which Mods are applicable?
>> Jim,
>> I have just finished K2 #4687 with KPA100, DSP, 160M, SSB and NB.  My kit
>> came with all required mods already in the parts package.  All I needed
>> to
>> do was to update the construction manual with written notes found on the
>> included Errata sheets.  Elecraft included one Mod bag of parts for
>> either
>> the DSP or KPA100 (I don't remember which one)  which I THOUGHT needed to
>> be
>> installed, but after realizing I was replacing a capacitor with the exact
>> same capacitor (I'm slow sometimes), I realized the corrected parts were
>> already incorporated into the regular parts inventory.  The only part I
>> had
>> to replace which can be called a mod, was C71 in the KPA100.  As luck (or
>> incredible planning on Elecraft's part) would have it, the .1uF capacitor
>> needed for C71 was a spare left over from one of the other accessories.
>> My point is:  I wouldn't worry about those "optional" mods until you get
>> the
>> rig together.  Elecraft has done a great job of getting an up-to-date kit
>> in
>> your hands so that you don't have to worry.
>> Have fun!
>> Bob K5WA
>> *************************
>> <How does one determine which should/need be purchased?
>> <If needed why are they not included with the
>> <appropriate kit? It appears I could spend a hundred
>> <dollars or more on modifications to make a new radio
>> <work. That could wreck my radio budget.
>> <Thanks for the help,
>> <Jim, AB0UK
>> _______________________________________________
>> Elecraft mailing list
>> Post to: [hidden email]
>> You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
>> Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):
>> Help:
>> Elecraft web page:
>> _______________________________________________
>> Elecraft mailing list
>> Post to: [hidden email]
>> You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
>> Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):
>> Help:
>> Elecraft web page:
> _______________________________________________
> Elecraft mailing list
> Post to: [hidden email]
> You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
> Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):
> Help:
> Elecraft web page:

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Re: Re: Which Capacitor is it?

In reply to this post by Ted Turk
Ted Turk wrote:

> My K2 will be in the post soon.  Meanwhile I have been avidly reading in
> readiness for the build.  One mention of this mod refers to C72, many
> others like Stan & Jim refer to C71.  Checking the schematic for the
> KPA100, C71 is listed as  0.0018uf  decoupling RFC3 to ground and C72
> 0.01uF decouples the gate of Q6 if I read it right.  Can someone please
> check this out before I need to get a solder sucker out!!

When I asked Gary about this, he said 'either C71 or C72'.  Since C71 was a 200V
capacitor, I chose to increase the value of C72 from 0.01 uf to 0.1 uf.  It
definitely had an effect on the problem.  But -- it's not entirely gone!  So
this afternoon I will see if upping C71 has some effect.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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Re: Re: Which Capacitor is it? Final words (I hope)

In the words of the immortal Ron Ziegler*, my previous comments on this subject
are "inoperative at the present time."  Here is what I determined today:

Problem:  some K2/100s produce a large click in the headphones or speaker on
unmute.  The click requires that the power be set to at least 11 watts, and the
DSP to be active (not in bypass mode).  No RF needs to be generated (test mode
can be set).  The t-r menu parameter is set to 0.

Solution (for my k2/100, anyway): change BOTH C72 (originally 0.01 uf) and C71
(originally 0.0018 uf) to 0.1 uf.  Note that C71 is a 200v cap.

Changing C71 by itself reduces the click but doesn't eliminate it.  Changing C72
by itself appears to have no effect.  Changing them both makes it totally go
away.  Your mileage definitely may vary; some K2/100s do not have the problem at

* Ron Ziegler was press secretary in the Nixon administration.

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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