Correction: 17M is also behaving the same way.
----- Original Message -----
From: Tom Althoff
[hidden email]
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2004 5:37 PM
Subject: Wierd SSB problem on my K2 on 20M
I know the BFO filter settings are saved with each mode and filter there anything band specific that would cause the following symptoms...
While listening to SSB signals:
160/80/40 LSB SSB OK
20M USB Rig seems to be stuck in LSB though the dial says "u". Signals are unintelligable and appear to be wrong sideband or badly adjusted BFO setting
17/15/12/10 USB SSB OK
I just checked it out on 20M SSB for the first time a few hours ago so it looks like #1117 is not quite ready to play full-time yet.
Tom K2TA
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