Re: Zepp antenna

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Re: Zepp antenna

Hi Lyell and all,
I left out the part about using a short, 14 inch piece of RG8X that has 6
ferrite beads on it.  An RF choke.  A PL259 on one end for the tuner
connection and aligator clips on the other end to clip to the leads of the
300 ohm line.  I also carry a 25 ft length of RG8X with PL259 connectors on
either end which I barrel connect to the RF choke if it happens that the
antenna must be installed more than 44 feet from the tuner.  Yes, you can
also connect the 300 ohm feed line directly to the K2 as you describe.  The
nature of the parallel feed line cancels any radiation from itself.
Joe, aa4nn
Question. Do you use a BALUN before the tuner?  or does the K2 'float'
between the two antenna halves - connecting one side to the K2 antenna hot
lead and the other side to ground.  I assume that the twinlead is used as a
part of the radiating antenna.

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