Re: lithium AA's etc.

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Re: lithium AA's etc.

Cortland Richmond
Tim O'Rourke  wrote:

 >I have never seen an article abt a cell phone cataching on fire but I
guess it probably happens.

"You can add explosions to the hazards associated with cell phones.
Federal safety officials say they've received 83 reports of cell phones
exploding or catching fire in the past two years. The industry blames
counterfeit batteries but others aren't so sure."

The below FAA study of Lithium battery shipments is interesting. too.  
"There has never been a known in-flight fire associated with shipping
the batteries in this manner; however, a ramp incident involving
palletized batteries has drawn attention to the flammability hazard of
primary lithium batteries. The ramp incident occurred at Los Angeles
International Airport in April 1999. A pallet of batteries caught fire
while being handled between flights. There was no known external
ignition source. The nature of lithium fires makes them very difficult
to extinguish, with all common extinguishing agents ineffective in
controlling the fire."

"... discharging the halon after only one battery was ignited had no
effect on stopping the propagation of the battery fire to adjacent
batteries. The halon extinguished the 1-propanol fire immediately but
had no effect on the lithium fire with the exception of turning the
normally white sparks bright red."

Bright red! How... pretty.

There are documented reports of Lithium cell fire or explosion in
Automatic External Defibrillators (AED's):
"The International Association of Fire Fighters has received a report
regarding an explosion from an automatic external defibrillator (AED)
commonly used by the fire and emergency services.

On Friday, October 15, 1999, a Physio-Control LIFEPAK 500 exploded and
injured two firefighters. The incident occurred at the Okaloosa Island
Fire ..."

Cortland KA5S
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