Re: new mini-modules

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Re: new mini-modules

No matter what one designs, no matter how it functions there are ALWAYS individuals who will want something different.

My company builds a very sophisticated computerized measurement device that does some pretty remarkable things. Our software engineer is constantly revising and adding features as quickly as we can come up with them. Even then we will announce a new feature that no one could have possibly accomplished previously and still someone will say "Yeah, but can it do ...?"

I believe that the majority of people who buy Elecraft devices are of the ilk that likes to tinker and adapt. If you want your WM1 to be in an enclosure, build it into an enclosure. What's stopping you from fabricating what ever you want. Folks don't loose sight of the specifications and the modest cost of these mini- modules they are a bargain.

I have to congratulate Wayne's restraint. Imaging if you had been working very hard on some project or other that someone has told you was a needed item, it has just been completed and works right up to expectation and someone says "Yeah, but i wanted it painted blue."

Wow! I guess I got up on the wrong side of the bed. As my XYL said when asked if she wakes up grumpy "no I let him sleep.'


Ran - W1IN

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