Relay clatter (setting changes?) in Kat-500 with second station in use

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Relay clatter (setting changes?) in Kat-500 with second station in use

I am having relay clicking issues when my Flex-6500, Kat-500 and KPA-500 combo is powered and a second station at the same location is used.
The problem is, I am hearing the relays within the KAT-500 clatter (probably they are setting/re-setting) when using a second station at my remotely located station.  The second station, when using 100W (or more) activates the relays within my KAT-500. Yes, the second station is using different antennas which are 50' away from my antennas.  This happens on several bands not just the band the flex is receiving on.
Just wondering if low X-talk/and or isolation could be an issue within the KAT-500? Or, if this problem is isolated to my KAT-500?
Would appreciate input from anyone who experienced the same problem, and of course, what fix was used to correct it.
Thanks for the Rick, W6SR