Remote ATU with KPA500/KAT500?

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Remote ATU with KPA500/KAT500?

I have a used KPA500/KAT500 set arriving next week and plan to integrate into my shack which has a K3S/100 with Internal Tuner, and three antennas on 2 coax feed lines:
1. RG213 coax 1 runs to a 43ft Vertical with a D.C.-over-coax powered SG-235 remote ATU. I'm putting a MFJ-2910 80/160 Matching Coil on that soon.
2. RG213 coax 2 runs to a remote switch selecting a Par OA-50 6m horizontal loop 50ft up on a mast or a G5RV 102ft 40ft up with a LDG RT-600 remote ATU at base powered D.C.-over-coax.

Both rATUs specify 100W max for tuning and to tune bypassing any amplifier. At present, I change bands and bypass the K3S internal ATU, transmit default 10W to activate the rATUs, then enable the internal K3S ATU and hit the ATU button to tune if the rATUs were much above 1:1.

A lot on the integrated K3S/KPA500/KAT500 system seems defaulted to safeguards that prevent mistakes, which is great. How should I be thinking about using my rATUs with the addition of the KPA500/KAT500? I know I'll be bypassing the K3S internal ATU forever more. Is there a way to always bypass the KPA500 on band switch so as to not tune up with it enabled (assuming I should do so)?
