Remote Rcvr in Salt Lake City for Testing

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Remote Rcvr in Salt Lake City for Testing

Art - W6KY
This is great.
There is a web site in Salt Lake City with a remote
controlled Kenwood R-5000 rcvr. You can sign on
and control the freq and switch antennas (vert or horz)
on all bands. Continous coverage from .030 MHz to
30 MHz and then 108 MHz to 174 MHz...I had a ball
tonight with my K1 down to -1 watt on 40, listening to
my signal in SLC as I switched antennas at that end and
power at this end...There is a little delay as the sig
propogates back thru the Internet. The site is:
Sorry, if I send it with html it gets bounced.
Site has lots of JAVA so if it's bouncing on your screen,
find something to click on between bounces...I use
Mozilla as a browser. Probably didn't like that...
Great for checking propogation, signal quality, signal
strength, new antenna you just put up, new stelth
antenna...Do the read me first so you don't do anything
to get 'banned'....Great test resource.. Enjoy..
73, Art  W6KY

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