Remoting a T1

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Remoting a T1

I've been looking at what it would take to remote my shiny new T1 and using
the coax feed (60ft long in my case) to do all the signalling for both a
tune request as well as band data.

I'm thinking that if tune was a logic high sent down the coax via a open
collector then the logic at the other end could signal the T1 data request
by pulling the line low for 50ms and then releasing it. The shack end could
then signal the band data after the 10ms delay.

A 50 cent micro at each end could do the job. The far end would need a
battery. Even a PIC10F would suffice at the T1 end.

Any problems with this approach?

Any chance this could get absorbed in the T1 firmware to make this easier?
Seems like an easy change and could even co-exist with the current approach
and be accessed by some button presses.

Would still need a diplexer at each end to keep out the nasty RF and some
sort of little switch/annuciator to set the band at the shack end.


Jim (AB3CV)
k2 #5874

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