Remoting the KPA100 without a K102 in the K2

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Remoting the KPA100 without a K102 in the K2
Hi Folks,

I am building a KPA100 and intend to remote this into a separate EC2
enclosure along with the KAT 100

My K2 does not have a K102 control board.

Can I do the remote installation using the K102 on the pa board ? The notes I
downloaded seemed to suggest that the k102 needs to be in the K2 .

Are there any notes describing the process in cases such as mine.

Many thanks for any suggestions.

K2 # 1926
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RE: Remoting the KPA100 without a K102 in the K2

Sverre Holm
> I am building a KPA100 and intend to remote this into a separate EC2
enclosure along with
> the KAT 100
> My K2 does not have a K102 control board.
> Can I do the remote installation using the K102 on the pa board ? The
notes I downloaded
> seemed to suggest that the k102 needs to be in the K2 .

I looked at this also, as I am in the process of building a KPA100 which I
intend to remote. I don't have the KIO2 in my K2.

When the KPA100 is in a separate enclosure, the RS232 interface in the
KPA100 will not work as it doesn't get the data in/out from the K2's
processor. Instead the KIO2 does the translation to RS232. Therefore,
without the KIO2, you can get the KPA100 to work remotely, but you will not
get an RS232 interface.

If all you want is to get the KPA100 to work, you will have to do the

- Install an RS232 connector in the K2/QRP lid
- Connect GND to pin 5
- Connect AUXBUS to pin 6 (KIO2 has 15 uH in series and 0.001 uF to GND)
- Connect VRFDET to pin 7
- Connect 12V to pin 8
- Connect 8R to pin 9 (KIO2 has 3.9k in series)

These connections shall be taken from connector P4 (Aux I/O) on the K2's
control board. Alternatively, if the KAT2 is installed, all but 8R can be
taken from it.

I haven't tried this myself, but there shouldn't be too many uncertainties
in this. However, the cost/effort of getting an KIO2, is not that much
greater than doing the above, so I am still debating with myself whether it
is worth trying.



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RE: Remoting the KPA100 without a K102 in the K2

Ian Maude
On Wed, 2004-12-08 at 12:08 +0100, Sverre Holm wrote:

> I haven't tried this myself, but there shouldn't be too many uncertainties
> in this. However, the cost/effort of getting an KIO2, is not that much
> greater than doing the above, so I am still debating with myself whether it
> is worth trying.
There is of course another thought here.  If you have the KIO2 in the lid of
the K2, you still have computer control even when you are not using the KPA100.


Ian Maude G0VGS Morecambe Lancs UK | [hidden email]
Sysop of GB7MBC, the Morecambe Bay Cluster
Running Linux and DXSpider | K2 #4044
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RE: Remoting the KPA100 without a K102 in the K2

Stewart Baker
On Thu, 09 Dec 2004 08:47:10 +0000, Ian J Maude wrote:
> On Wed, 2004-12-08 at 12:08 +0100, Sverre Holm wrote:
>> I haven't tried this myself, but there shouldn't be too many uncertainties
>> in this. However, the cost/effort of getting an KIO2, is not that much
>> greater than doing the above, so I am still debating with myself whether it
>> is worth trying.
> There is of course another thought here.  If you have the KIO2 in the lid of
> the K2, you still have computer control even when you are not using the
> KPA100.
> Ian

Seconded - having the ability to use the K2 under computer control when
standalone is worth the extra time and expense of the KIO2.

Stewart G3RXQ

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Re: Remoting the KPA100 without a K102 in the K2
In reply to this post by Sverre Holm

Thanks for all the feedback on this.

As I currently have no plans to use computer control with my K2 (with or
without the KPA100) I think Sverre's method below looks like my solution. In
other words this method  is effectively  (and very simply)  providing an
extended connector to the P4 in the K2 to the KPA 100 .

Have I got this right?

Has anyone actually done this?

Should I take any additional rf precautions?

Any suggestions greatly appreciated as I have no experience of this type of

Thanks all.

73,  Vic GW4JUN    K2 1926

ps  After three months of no progress on this build (too much WORK - ugh) I
am back on track . LPF coils went in last week. Rear panel  tomorrow.
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Sverre Holm" <[hidden email]>
To: "'vicsvilla'" <[hidden email]>; <[hidden email]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 11:08 AM
Subject: RE: [Elecraft] Remoting the KPA100 without a K102 in the K2

> > I am building a KPA100 and intend to remote this into a separate EC2
> enclosure along with
> > the KAT 100
> > My K2 does not have a K102 control board.
> > Can I do the remote installation using the K102 on the pa board ? The
> notes I downloaded
> > seemed to suggest that the k102 needs to be in the K2 .
> I looked at this also, as I am in the process of building a KPA100 which I
> intend to remote. I don't have the KIO2 in my K2.
> When the KPA100 is in a separate enclosure, the RS232 interface in the
> KPA100 will not work as it doesn't get the data in/out from the K2's
> processor. Instead the KIO2 does the translation to RS232. Therefore,
> without the KIO2, you can get the KPA100 to work remotely, but you will

> get an RS232 interface.
> If all you want is to get the KPA100 to work, you will have to do the
> following:
> - Install an RS232 connector in the K2/QRP lid
> - Connect GND to pin 5
> - Connect AUXBUS to pin 6 (KIO2 has 15 uH in series and 0.001 uF to GND)
> - Connect VRFDET to pin 7
> - Connect 12V to pin 8
> - Connect 8R to pin 9 (KIO2 has 3.9k in series)
> These connections shall be taken from connector P4 (Aux I/O) on the K2's
> control board. Alternatively, if the KAT2 is installed, all but 8R can be
> taken from it.
> I haven't tried this myself, but there shouldn't be too many uncertainties
> in this. However, the cost/effort of getting an KIO2, is not that much
> greater than doing the above, so I am still debating with myself whether
> is worth trying.

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