Removal of small K3 knobs

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Removal of small K3 knobs

Sverre Holm (LA3ZA)
I'm about to replace one of the small encoders on my K3 (as per these instructions, but I have a hard time removing the four knobs for shift/low, hi/width, speed/mic, and cmp/pwr. Is there a way to get them off their axes without either scratching the front panel or breaking the knobs?

All tips and tricks are appreciated!
Sverre, LA3ZA

K2 #2198, K3 #3391,
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LA3ZA Unofficial Guide to K2 modifications:
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Re: Removal of small K3 knobs

Sverre Holm (LA3ZA)
I finally made it by just persistently nudging and pulling them. In the end they came off all four of them without any damage neither to the knobs nor the front panel.

Sverre Holm (LA3ZA) wrote
Is there a way to get them off their axes without either scratching the front panel or breaking the knobs?
Sverre, LA3ZA

K2 #2198, K3 #3391,
LA3ZA Blog:,
LA3ZA Unofficial Guide to K2 modifications: