Request for K3 station configuration details

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Request for K3 station configuration details

wayne burdick
Hi all,

One thing that has become clear during field test is that every station
is different. There are an endless array of decoders, rotator
controllers, amps, ATUs, filters, SteppIR boxes, audio I/O hardware,
computers and operating systems. We can't come and visit your shacks
individually to see what you're using, but we *can* take a survey. Our
goal is to make K3 firmware and future station accessories compatible
with as many devices as possible, so your life will be easier.

If you have a complex station configuration, please send me a list of
the the model numbers and manufacturers of each important piece of gear
you're using. I'm sure there will be many items I'm not familiar with
(yet). I won't be able to reply to any of these messages (for obvious
reasons), but I'll put them in a special folder, and when I get a
chance, I'll sort them into categories. Or assign someone else to do it

The equipment which shows up most often will be at the top of our list
for evaluation in future firmware releases. In some cases we may buy
the gear ourselves to make sure it works well.

Please don't send this information to the list -- only to
[hidden email].




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