Revised (better) K2 IMDDR3 2 kHz spacing numbers posted on Sherwood Engineering Site

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Revised (better) K2 IMDDR3 2 kHz spacing numbers posted on Sherwood Engineering Site

Eric Swartz - WA6HHQ
Hi Tony,

Rob Sherwood has posted updated IMD test numbers for the K2 on his web
page. We now are listed by Rob in the very top tier of rigs for third
order IMD at even a 2 kHz signal spacing. He now lists our IMDDR3 at 2
kHz spacing as 80 dB, which is 11 dB better than he originally posted.
Only the Orion with improved add on roofing filters beats that number by

I was always mystified why his original test number looked so different
from those I had measured. Apparently the first unit he bought already
built and measured had some unknown problems (either with alignment or
construction). He no longer has that one so I couldn't take a look at it
to see what was wrong.
He has now measured a s/n 3000+ K2 that I also measured here, and he has
confirmed those measurements on another pre s/n 1000 K2 he received
independently from another ham. To quote Rob from an email on 10/4 to
K3LR and cc'd to me:
"The other interesting thing is the IC-7800 and K2 have amazingly
similar numbers. "

I like that sort of company :-)


for his updated comparison tables.

See also for the ARRL lab test
numbers for these rigs at 5 kHz and 20 kHz spacings.

73, Eric   WA6HHQ

>  N2TK wrote:
>> I agree with Bill’s comments about the K2. It’s great for throwing in
>> my briefcase to take along on a trip and it does a fine job. It would
>> be great if in the future there would be a way to add additional
>> filtering to get the close in (2khz) 3rd order IMD up.
>> Tnx for all the efforts for a nice rig.
>> #3481
>> N2TK, Tony

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