Rotor control programs...

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Rotor control programs...

Steve Banks
Hi All,

Does anyone know of a good rotor control program that "stands alone?"  What
I mean by that is that my present logging program, ACLog 2.5, is a fine
program, but it doesn't support beam pointing or rotor control.

Since I have a spare COM port on this PC and am about to add a Yaesu 800DXA
rotor, I wondered if someone would know of a program that would "talk" to an
Idiom Press DXA Rotor card if I add one to the control box.

Alternatively, what are your recommendations about logging programs that DO
include a rotor control function?

Thanks in advance for feedback.


Steve Banks

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Re: Rotor control programs...

Try my LP-Rotor freeware program at

It works with Hy-Gain DCU-1, and Rotorcard and Rotor-EZ from Idiom Press. It works standalone, and it also can accept DDE commands from TRX-Manager. There is a help file on the website that you can read through before downloading if you like.

One slight change since the latest help file is that the polling behavior has been changed to minimize traffic. When the preset heading and actual heading are within 5 degrees, the polling slows down to the rate indicated in the setup tab (5 to 30 sec). When the preset and actual headings are more than 5 degrees different, the polling speeds up to .5 sec. This allows a minimum of network traffic if the program is used remotely over a slow connection like dialup, while giving realtime feedback during movement.

Larry N8LP

----- Original Message -----
From: Steve Banks
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2004 11:32 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] Rotor control programs...

Hi All,

Does anyone know of a good rotor control program that "stands alone?"  What
I mean by that is that my present logging program, ACLog 2.5, is a fine
program, but it doesn't support beam pointing or rotor control.

Since I have a spare COM port on this PC and am about to add a Yaesu 800DXA
rotor, I wondered if someone would know of a program that would "talk" to an
Idiom Press DXA Rotor card if I add one to the control box.

Alternatively, what are your recommendations about logging programs that DO
include a rotor control function?

Thanks in advance for feedback.


Steve Banks

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