S-9 calibration with XG1

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S-9 calibration with XG1

        I just put the XG1 together and had a question about the setup on
the K2 for setting the S-meter to S-9. In the K2 manual, the only mention of
the XG1 is on page 48. This is the step right after the Cal SLo and Cal SHi
functions. It does not indicate whether to have the preamp on or not. The
instructions that come with the XG1 say to have the preamp on. Which is
correct? I am assuming that it would be with the preamp on, since I get
around S-5 with the preamp off, and close to S-9 with the preamp on. This is
after doing the SLo and SHi calibrations.
        Also, what is considered S9 on the K2 meter? Just before the 9, or
right under the 9 ? I am not trying to be too picky, just wondering what
point everyone else is using, if there is a standard. Right under the 9 goes
slightly past it and kind of looks like a better indication for a 5 over
condition. Right now, the XG1 set for 50 microvolts lights the bar under the
9 on my S-meter.

Stan Rife
Houston, TX
[hidden email]

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Re: S-9 calibration with XG1

Mine is set to S9 at 50 microVolt with the preamp off. S9 is normally a
standard at 50microVolt, so I think preamp should be set to off....
When I calibrate S-Hi.... at the moment the S9 led light, that's it !!

I rarely use the preamp... only on 20m and higher frequencies, 15m

Le 05-02-21, à 20:10, Stan Rife a écrit :

> I just put the XG1 together and had a question about the setup on
> the K2 for setting the S-meter to S-9. In the K2 manual, the only
> mention of
> the XG1 is on page 48. This is the step right after the Cal SLo and
> Cal SHi
> functions. It does not indicate whether to have the preamp on or not.
> The
> instructions that come with the XG1 say to have the preamp on. Which is
> correct? I am assuming that it would be with the preamp on, since I get
> around S-5 with the preamp off, and close to S-9 with the preamp on.
> This is
> after doing the SLo and SHi calibrations.
> Also, what is considered S9 on the K2 meter? Just before the 9, or
> right under the 9 ? I am not trying to be too picky, just wondering
> what
> point everyone else is using, if there is a standard. Right under the
> 9 goes
> slightly past it and kind of looks like a better indication for a 5
> over
> condition. Right now, the XG1 set for 50 microvolts lights the bar
> under the
> 9 on my S-meter.
> Stan Rife
> Houston, TX
> [hidden email]
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Jean-François Ménard / VA2VYZ
Elecraft K2 #4130 / KX1 #999


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Re: S-9 calibration with XG1

Rick Dettinger-2
In reply to this post by srife
Its hard to try to match up the number of segments  lighted with any of the
S unit marks.  Thats the price we pay for not having a "real" analog S
meter.  I am thinking of calibrating the meter so S9 is nine segments
lighted (50 uv) .  One segment for each S unit.  I would have to count
segments instead of using the scale.  I am not sure that the high end of the
scale is important, anyhow.  My Sierra dosen't waste segments on 40db over
S9.  I think that with a 40db over signal, the attenuator would be on or the
RF gain reduced,  either of which would change the meter reading.  The bar
graph has 10 segments so I could read to S10 (5db over S9 ?).  I am not sure
if the meter would be any less linear.                           73 - Rick -
From: "Stan Rife" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 5:10 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] S-9 calibration with XG1

I just put the XG1 together and had a question about the setup on
the K2 for setting the S-meter to S-9. In the K2 manual, the only mention of
the XG1 is on page 48. This is the step right after the Cal SLo and Cal SHi
functions. It does not indicate whether to have the preamp on or not. The
instructions that come with the XG1 say to have the preamp on. Which is
correct? I am assuming that it would be with the preamp on, since I get
around S-5 with the preamp off, and close to S-9 with the preamp on. This is
after doing the SLo and SHi calibrations.
Also, what is considered S9 on the K2 meter? Just before the 9, or
right under the 9 ? I am not trying to be too picky, just wondering what
point everyone else is using, if there is a standard. Right under the 9 goes
slightly past it and kind of looks like a better indication for a 5 over
condition. Right now, the XG1 set for 50 microvolts lights the bar under the
9 on my S-meter.

Stan Rife
Houston, TX
[hidden email]

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