S/N:1977 Inventory done

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S/N:1977 Inventory done

Vin Cortina
Having worked in electronics for over 25 years, I want to compliment Elecraft on the parts packing for my K1-4.  In all of the parts in this kit, including the 4 band module kit, the only discrepancy was R8 on the Front Panel Board which is supposed to be a 22 Ohm, was instead sent as a 220 Ohm.  That is amazing, plain and simple.  I can remember the days of ordering ONE critical component for a multi-million dollar IC test system, having the parts guy verify its description to me over the phone, only to have the wrong thing show up the next day on site.  That was ONE part.

Since R8 is a simple and common 5% tolerance resistor, I am sure I can pick one up at Radio Shack, so no replacement is necessary.  Many thanks to the Elecraft folks, and especially Christine and Walter who packed S/N: 1977.

Now all I have to do is build it.

We'll be talkin'. ;-)

Vin   KR2F

Mount Tremper, NY
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