SLA-300 or 817 amps. on K1 and K2? Anyone tried it?

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SLA-300 or 817 amps. on K1 and K2? Anyone tried it?

Tom Arntzen
Hi all!
I don't ask about this because I think KPA100 is a bad alternative , but rather the possibillity to use a small linear on both the K1 and K2.
If anyone has tried this amps I would like to hear from you.
Also do you trigg amp tx with PTT or RF-sniffing?
How do they perform?
I havent yet seen any postings on Eham about this amps.
HLA-300 is same amp as SLA-300.
I don't care about space on the desk , if so was I would have the KPA100.
But any thoughts is welcome.

BTW : I have an IC-706 also ,but the K1 or K2 tends to be put back on the desk after a while just because I find them easier to listen to.
Thats why I want to put an amp on them to have som extra punch in contest.
It would be a blast to have 300 watts + on the K2 during contests.
Or even 150 watts with the SLA-817.

Have a nice weekend all.
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