SMK-1, and a sideways congratulations note

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SMK-1, and a sideways congratulations note

Steve Jackson-5
Thanks for all the responses, guys.  The rig was
spoken for within minutes of my post.  Elecrafters are
FAST on the keyboards!  

I hope to work the little NorCal rig again soon, this
time on the other end.  And, I hope that Elecraft
decides to make surface-mount kits sometime, too.  

I know they are not for everybody, but they CAN be
really small and really neat!  We hams have to be able
to work with these parts in order to innovate, so, we
better get used to the idea and come up with clever
ways, like we have been doing for almost 100 years.
Hey, I just got my first pair of bifocals, waiting for
my AmQRP Micro-908.


While I'm typing, my best to Wayne Burdick and his
soon-to-be-bigger family!  Congrats in advance to Mom
and Dad.  

When N6KR says he wants there to be more Elecrafters,
he REALLY means it!  ;-)

73  Steve KZ1X/4
Chapel Hill NC, Home of the Tar Heels
K2 # 00771
K1 # 01181
Both on the air, Field Day 2004,
W4EZ, 6A battery QRP.  

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RE: SMK-1, and a sideways congratulations note

As I constructed my KX1... It just seemed to beg for some SMT components,
particularly the bypass caps... In several places, a 1206 sized component
would have fit better than the leaded part!  And it seemed the hole spacing
would even lend itself to the installation of an SMT device....

It just got me to thinking.  I wonder if I could rework mine?  



-----Original Message-----
Subject: [Elecraft] SMK-1, and a sideways congratulations note

Thanks for all the responses, guys.  The rig was spoken for within minutes
of my post.  Elecrafters are FAST on the keyboards!  

I hope to work the little NorCal rig again soon, this time on the other end.
And, I hope that Elecraft decides to make surface-mount kits sometime, too.

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