SOC Marathon Sprint September 11

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SOC Marathon Sprint September 11

Lee Hopper wrote:

>As any SOC, I must ask: is the SOC Marathon Sprint happening this coming
>Sat? Reality check, please.
Yes, the SOC Marathon Sprint will still be held this Saturday.  The SOC
club call may still be available if
any member wants to use it.  Contact:    [hidden email]   if interested.

>I hope all is well with the contest manager, Bob Patten, in Plantation FL -
>antennas still up, Bob? Got RF?
All antennas were taken down in anticipation of Frances slamming into us
as a category 4 hurricane.
Fortunately, the storm weakened and struck a little north of us, but
still plenty of wind and rain here.
I put my 40M dipole back up at 35ft and used it in the ARS Spartan
Sprint day before yesterday.
This is still my only antenna as the others need maintenance before they
go back up.  I will be on the
air to give out SOC #1 - IF Ivan hasn't decided by then to give us a
double whammy!

>Anyhow - here's to meeting you on the air and discovering why 'We few, we
>happy few, we band of brothers...'
I encourage all my fellow Second Class Operators (and anyone else!) to
participate in the sprint.
Complete rules on the SOC website:   or e-mail
me for a copy.

73,     Bob Patten, N4BP                Plantation, FL

E-Mail: [hidden email]                   Website:
QRP ARCI #3412    SOC #1    ARS #799    Whiners #6   FISTS #7871

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