SOC Marathon Sprint

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SOC Marathon Sprint



Most sprints run four hours, but since we're Second Class Op's,
we need more time!

Date/Time: March 12, 2005, 1800Z through 2400Z

Exchange:      Member - RST, State/Province/Country, SOC Number
           Non-Member - RST, State/Province/Country, Power Out

QSO Points:                           Member = 5 Points
             Non-Member, Different Continent = 4 Points
                  Non-Member, Same Continent = 2 Points

Multiplier:    SPC (State/Province/Country) total for all bands.
               The same station may be worked on more than one band for
               QSO points and SPC credit.

Power Multiplier:      0 - 250 MW = X 15;
                  250 MW - 1 Watt = X 10;
                        1 W - 5 W = X 7;
                         Over 5 W = X 1.

Suggested Frequencies:

160 Meters             1810 KHz
 80 Meters             3560 KHz
 40 Meters             7040 KHz
 20 Meter             14060 KHz
 15 Meters            21060 KHz
 10 Meters            28060 KHz

Points (total for all bands) X SPCs (total for all bands) X Power Multiplier

Apply an additional multiplier of 1.5 if using a homebrew paddle (kits such
as the NorCal / K8FF paddle qualify).

All entries are Multi-Band to promote maximum participation.

Entry includes a copy of the log and a separate summary sheet.
Indicate total time-on-the-air, and include a legible name, call,
SOC Number (if any) and address.  All entries must be received within
30 days of the contest date.  Late entries will be counted as check logs.
Members and non-members indicate their output power for each band.
The highest power used will determine the power multiplier.
Output power is considered as 1/2 of input power.
Include a description of homebrew equipment (including paddle or key),
commercial equipment, and antennas used with each entry.

Results may be posted on QRP-L and on the SOC Website.  The final decision
on all matters concerning the contest rests with the contest manager.
Entries are welcome via E-Mail to N4BP <mailto:[hidden email]>, or by
snail mail to:

                            Bob Patten, N4BP
                            2841 N.W. 112 Terrace
                            Plantation, FL  33323

73,     Bob Patten, N4BP                Plantation, FL

E-Mail: [hidden email]                   Website:
QRP ARCI #3412    SOC #1    ARS #799    Whiners #6   FISTS #7871

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