SSB adapter, T1

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SSB adapter, T1

Hello all.

Working on the SSB adapter for K2/100 #4684 and have come up against
problem. I have continuity between all four pads of T1. The toroid
itself check out while out of the board. No shorts. The short only
happens when the toroid is soldered in the board.

I have removed it twice to make sure the insulation between turns is
intact and don't see any bridges on the board.

A swift kick in the right direction would be appreciated.

R. Kevin Stover ACØH

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Re: SSB adapter, T1

Jim Younce

That is perfectly ok.  If you look at the schematic, one terminal of each
side of the transformer is connected to ground.  This ties the two windings
togethter DC wise but not RF wise.

Jim Younce K4ZM
K2  SN: 18

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