SSB board install - RF board OK - thanks!!!

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SSB board install - RF board OK - thanks!!!

Tim Logan
Thanks folks -
I love this reflector!!  Thanks to Don, David, Gary,  and many others who quickly told me how to jumper the RF board - which I did. The K2 still works perfectly in cw mode  - to my immense pleasure and relief. That just leaves the SSB board to trouble shoot - a far less daunting task than the RF board. Thanks very much folks - now to start inspecting that SSB board!
73/Tim NZ7C

> Hello all -
> My basic K2 #4667 was operating on cw EXTREMELY well (audio
> outstanding by the way compared to two prior K2's).
> However, today I finished and installed the SSB board. W2-W3and C167
> were removed from the RF board per instructions. According to the menu
> the SSB board is communicating with the K2. However I literally hear
> nothing but very quiet unchanging background noise. Before WWV was
> knocking my ears off at 10 o'clock on the AF knob.  If I remove the
> antenna there is no change in sound. If I remove the SSB board the
> background sound comes up but I still don't  to hear anything
> including WWV.
> What SHOULD I be able to hear in cw mode with W2-3 cut and C167
> removed and the SSB board off? I first need to determine if I may have
> harmed the RF board when removing the 3 items, but I do not not what
> it should be capable of with C167 removed. If it should be pretty much
> just like it was prior to cutting the jumpers and C167 then I have a
> major problem. (Shoot - that baby was running dyno-mite on cw!!!!!)
> If I can confirm the RF board is still OK then I will put SSB board
> back in and start voltage checks. Thanks in advance for any help.
> 73/Tim NZ7C
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Re: SSB board install - RF board OK - thanks!!!

yea that ssb board is really tight and a things that you might think
touching won't cause a problem do.
after checking every solder joint with a magnifying glass I start checking
clearances of all the parts and made sure a piece of heavy paper could go
between every thing than reinstalled the ssb and everything worked for me.

----- Original Message -----
From: <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2005 9:46 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] SSB board install - RF board OK - thanks!!!

> Thanks folks -
> I love this reflector!!  Thanks to Don, David, Gary,  and many others who
quickly told me how to jumper the RF board - which I did. The K2 still works
perfectly in cw mode  - to my immense pleasure and relief. That just leaves
the SSB board to trouble shoot - a far less daunting task than the RF board.
Thanks very much folks - now to start inspecting that SSB board!

> 73/Tim NZ7C
> > Hello all -
> > My basic K2 #4667 was operating on cw EXTREMELY well (audio
> > outstanding by the way compared to two prior K2's).
> >
> > However, today I finished and installed the SSB board. W2-W3and C167
> > were removed from the RF board per instructions. According to the menu
> > the SSB board is communicating with the K2. However I literally hear
> > nothing but very quiet unchanging background noise. Before WWV was
> > knocking my ears off at 10 o'clock on the AF knob.  If I remove the
> > antenna there is no change in sound. If I remove the SSB board the
> > background sound comes up but I still don't  to hear anything
> > including WWV.
> >
> > What SHOULD I be able to hear in cw mode with W2-3 cut and C167
> > removed and the SSB board off? I first need to determine if I may have
> > harmed the RF board when removing the 3 items, but I do not not what
> > it should be capable of with C167 removed. If it should be pretty much
> > just like it was prior to cutting the jumpers and C167 then I have a
> > major problem. (Shoot - that baby was running dyno-mite on cw!!!!!)
> >
> > If I can confirm the RF board is still OK then I will put SSB board
> > back in and start voltage checks. Thanks in advance for any help.
> > 73/Tim NZ7C
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> >
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