Today I used the K3 utility to adjust a crystal filter gain.
After making the adjustment to the 500Hz filter and closing the utility I
had a QSO on 40M SSB. They reported that I sounded nasal and was very
difficult to understand. After a power-off reset transmit audio returned to
normal. I have seen this situation from time to time since I have owned the
K3. I suspect but don't have a way to tell that I was transmitting through
the 500Hz filter. Listeners said it was like I was off frequency but no
amount of tuning helped.
Filters are set up as follows:
Fil 1 13.00 KHz enabled for CW, FM, AM; with Tx FM
Fil 2 6.00 KHz enabled for CW, LSB, USB, Data, AM; with Tx AM
Fil 3 2.70 KHz enabled for CW, LSB, USB, Data; with Tx CW and SSB
Fil 4 0.50 KHz enabled for CW and Data, no Tx
Fil 5 Blank, nothing enabled
K3-100 #508
Utility version, standard RS232 connection
MCU 02.38
FPF 00.02
DSP1 0.190
Mike Scott - AE6WA
Tarzana, CA (DM04 / near LA)
K3-100 #508/ KX1 #1311
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