I just noticed that my SWR on 10 M was a lot higher then normal on an
antenna, 2.6 to 1 when normal is maybe 1.7 to 1. I used a dummy load to
check and SWR was 1 to 1 on 160,80,40,20,15 and 6. But on 10 is was 1.7-1.8
to 1 into the 50 ohm dummy load. I was going to check it on 12M but
couldn't remember the exact frequencies but I then noticed the ATU was in on
12M. I turned it off and on then went back to 10M and SWR was normal. I'm
99.8% sure the ATU was not on while in the 10M position. I don't really use
it. Anyone else ever run into this? Must have been operator error but I
don't know how.
Mike W9RE
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