Sad News - M3CRQ SK

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Sad News - M3CRQ SK

Tom Hammond-3

This note just received from the XYL of Paul Bartlett, M3CRQ. I have edited
it slightly, for content applicable to the reflector.

We will miss Paul on the Elecraft reflector.


Tom Hammond    N0SS

Hi guys

This is Paul, M3CQR's, wife Katie.

I am sorry to tell you that Paul died peacefully in his sleep in bed at
home on last Wednesday night from a head injury that occured earlier in the
day when he fell down in our local village shop.

Services are being held at Westerleigh Crematorium on Friday 22nd October
(tomorrow) at 12 noon followed by a "Goodbye to Paul party" at our local
Kingswood Village Hall. Family flowers only but donations may be made in
lieu to the "Paul Bartlett Memorial Fund" c/o Grimes and Goscombe Funeral
Services, Chipping Manor, The Chipping, Wotton-under-Edge, Glos GL12 7AD.

I don't know where any of you are or how close you where to Paul personally
but whilst I am letting you know the funeral arrangements I do not expect
any of you to do anything about it unless you wish/can. An email reply is
all I should like (if you feel it appropriate) as I shall be saving them
all for the girls to keep.

Thank you and sorry for not letting you know earlier.


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