Does anyone know of an official or unofficial gathering (group, flock,
bevy) of QRP enthusiasts in San Diego? Back in the day--1970s at the El
Cajon ARC--there were several of us interested in this, but I left San
Diego soon after and haven't followed up.
I get back down there often and would love to hook up, help form a
group, etc. It would be fun to do Field Day out in East County; one
year my dad and I used one of the very first rigs I designed, the
Safari-4, on FD, sitting on top of Mt. Laguna and overlooking the
desert. Doesn't get any better than that!
Eric and I will be representing Elecraft at the ARRL SW convention all
three days. Friday night would be a good night for a QRP social
gathering, at least for me. Look for a guy in the bar with a KX1 and a
draft microbrew :)
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