Sell: Elecraft K2 SN# 4003
Selling one of my personal built K2’s that I built about 7 months ago using
all pre-wound toroids supplied by AA3WF. It is very neatly built, and was this
past winters project. It worked great as soon as it was completed and no
troubleshooting was required!
It is a bare bones K2 with NO options! Its in extremely nice condition! It
does have the K2 Temperature Compensated PLL Reference Upgrade which was
included with all K2s shipped after 4/25/03 (S/N 3446+), however it does not have
the K2 Keying Bandwidth Mod that was only Included with all K2's s/n 4060+.)
It is very clean with the original manual. $475 shipped, stateside only!
Also available, un-built KAF2 (AF Filter/Clock) option available $50
WA9TGT / Donnie Garrett / Muncie, IN
ARCI #6447, ARS #1717, AmQRP, ECI-QRP #001
K2 #4003, K2 #3186, K1 #1806, K1 #0416, SW-30+, DSW II - 40
LDG Z-11 Auto Tuner, 102' CF Zepp fed with 300 Ohm Line
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