Sequential Keyers

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Sequential Keyers

I have built three different versions of the CMOS Super Keyer kits, sold by
Logikey, and can thoroughly recommend this kind of external keyer. It has
many features, among them contest serial numbers, also automatic character
spacing if you want, signal weighting etc. I never use the built-in keyers
in my rigs. An external one right there by your hand is much more
Rick, OZ5RM

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Re: Keyer thread

Hmmm ... I think I may be missing something here.  I use a K1EL keyer on
my TS-850 in A-mode (I think, I never can keep them straight) with a
Bencher, the internal keyer in my FT-847 with a slightly modified
Vibroplex bug, and the internal keyer in the K2 with a second Bencher.
Except for the bug of course, I can't tell the difference between the K2
internal keyer and the K1EL keyer.

Possibly my sending is so QLF that anything will work equally badly for

Fred K6DGW
Auburn CA CM98lw

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