Serial port keying via the K2 (Logger32)

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Serial port keying via the K2 (Logger32)

I wonder if other K2 owners (with the KI02 option of course!)
are using computer keying?  If so, did you implement
it using the DTR or PTT method via the serial port, or
via the parallel port?  Are there advantages to one method over another?
John K5MO


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RE: Serial port keying via the K2 (Logger32)

James C. Hall, MD-2
Hi John:

During the last couple of Field Days, using the K2/100, we used the N3FJP FD
software and successfully used the serial port for excellent keying. There
was really no problem doing this - you just have to build a simple interface
in the head of the serial plug. There are a few ways to do this as I'm sure
you know. I used a two transistor, two resistor interface so as to use the
program or a keyer or just fill in with the paddles (and on-board keyer).
I'm sure the limitations of port availability will determine many things.
For us, we used a USB-serial interface. Others will use the 'printer' port.
BTW, the N3FJP software also allows this.

73, Jamie

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of john
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 6:24 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [Elecraft] Serial port keying via the K2 (Logger32)

I wonder if other K2 owners (with the KI02 option of course!)
are using computer keying?  If so, did you implement
it using the DTR or PTT method via the serial port, or
via the parallel port?  Are there advantages to one method over another?
John K5MO

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Re: Serial port keying via the K2 (Logger32)

Jim Brown-10
In reply to this post by john-477
On Wed, 13 Oct 2004 19:24:17 -0400, john wrote:

>I wonder if other K2 owners (with the KI02 option of course!)
>are using computer keying?  If so, did you implement
>it using the DTR or PTT method via the serial port, or
>via the parallel port?  

I have been using DTR keying with WriteLog quite successfully. Depending on your
antenna system and the power level at which you are operating, it may be necessary to
rebuild the serial interface cable using shielded twisted pair cable. It also helps to correct
the pin 1 problems at both ends of the serial keying cable by connecting the shield to the
DB9 shell, not the so-called "signal ground."  

The condition under which I had to take these measures  are when I use a long wire that
puts a lot of RF in my shack and have my K2/100 fired up.  (I do this on 160 and 80, and it
gets out pretty well). This would probably NOT be an issue with a good resonant antenna
30+ feet from the shack and fed by a reasonably well matched line.

Jim Brown  K9YC

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Re: Serial port keying via the K2 (Logger32)

Charles Greene
In reply to this post by john-477

Depends on the program.  Most use serial port keying; works even if you are
using a USB-serial converter which I am doing right now.  For example, MixW
lets you select either DTR or RTS  for PTT or CW, but some programs use one
for CW and one for DTR but not both for both..  I don't use DRT, because at
the time I made up my interface one of the Windows operating systems DRT
keyed on startup.  You can get around this by turning off the K2 on
computer start up.  I am making up a new interface and diode "ORing" both
DTR and RTS to both the K2 keying line and the K2 PTT so it will work no
matter which program I use.  The K2 key also needs to be diode ORed to both
the dot and dash connections per K2 manual and the K2 menu setup made so
the computer keying will work.  I have a paddle plugged to the interface
that bypasses the diodes on the CW keying circuit so the paddle works or CW
keying works, which ever gets there first.

Chas,  W1CG

At 07:24 PM 10/13/2004, john wrote:
>I wonder if other K2 owners (with the KI02 option of course!)
>are using computer keying?  If so, did you implement
>it using the DTR or PTT method via the serial port, or
>via the parallel port?  Are there advantages to one method over another?
>John K5MO

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Re: Serial port keying via the K2 (Logger32)

James T. "Jim" Rogers, W4ATK
In reply to this post by john-477
        I am wondering why these programs like Logger32 and others do not implement
the same scheme for the K2 as used in K24U. There is no external hardware
(i.e. transistors etc.) to "key" the K2. The K2 "KY" command implements
keyboard CW with no "external" hardware needed. A single keyer transistor
circuit is anything but difficult to build, but with the appropriate
interface already in the firmware, thank you Eric and Wayne, why bother?
        Been kinda following the thread and did not remember anyone bringing this
up, so I had to put in my two cents worth.

73 Jim, W4ATK
K2 #4028

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