Setting Filters for RTTY

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Setting Filters for RTTY

Tom Harson
Good Morning Guys....

After a nice weekend working the CQ WPX RTTY contest, I decided that I
needed to setup the RTTY
filters. Prior to this I have been using the DSP filter function within
the logging program. I set the radio to
the 40 meter band, fired up spectragrm and proceeded to align the
filters on a center frequency 1255 hz.
I set the filters up as follows... 2.00 1.50 1.00 .50 hz. Copied RTTY
signals on 20 meters last night and
this morning and they worked like a charm. Tuned the rig up on 15 meters
this morning, and I find that the
filters are not centered on the same frequency that they were when I set
them up last night. As a matter of fact
there is a 1.25 khz shift between where the signal is tuned in on LSB
and where the filter is set on rtty. Shifting
through the other settings of 1.5, 1.00 and .5 khz produced other
offsets that are not present on bands below
14 mhz. The results are similar for the 12 and 10 meter bands.I have
worked RTTY on 15 and 10 meters in
the LSB mode with no problems. Is it possible that the PLL tables is
screwed up or am I doing something
that the rig is not capable of? Any thought on the matter would be

K2/100 SN 4279
Lafayette, La.

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Re: Setting Filters for RTTY

Wolf-Rüdiger Jürgens-2
On Wednesday 16 February 2005 17:22, Tom Harson wrote:
> Is it possible that the PLL tables is
> screwed up or am I doing something
> that the rig is not capable of? Any thought on the matter would be
> appreciated.

Tom, you have to adjust the BFO filter settings twice. On a band below
or equal 18Mhz in usb mode and above 18Mhz in the lsb mode. This is
because of the mixing scheme in the K2. For CW its similar on 15m and
above use the inverted setting(CW RV button).

73/72 Wolf, DL2WRJ
-- - CW - Digital - QRP - QRPP - QRSS
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