Shipping trick to islands....

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Shipping trick to islands....

Paul Evans W4/VP9KF

When we lived and worked in Grenada we found out the following:

All parcels USPS, FedEx, UPS, DHL went through PR.

UPS had theft problems, where the tracking would show items
disappearing. Especially high value things such as professional colour
laser printers.

DHL and USPS were expensive.

FedEx were ultra reliable and delivered to the Abbott plant on time.

The REAL trick was NOT to use their Express 1 day or 2 day levels. We
used the 7 day delivery plan. In reality, the cost was less than USPS
and the rest by a mile! The 7 day items arrived as quickly as next day,
every time on the same plane(s).

On talking to others on other islands (8P, J6, 9Y etc.) it was exactly
the same. Lots of sailors found it easy to order parts (even heavy
things like anchors) and ship them direct by FedEx Economy and get them
next day.

I sent a BIG box of CAT5 cable (5000'), routers and UPSes all for crazy
pricing ($50 vs. $300). So, check it out. You may be surprised.

73, Paul G4BKI, VP9KF, J37KF, etc.
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