Over a decade ago I did some un scientific experiments to investigate this subject. I set up a test transmitter a few hundred feet away from my rotary 40 meter dipole. I took some field strength measurements with the dipole, then lengthened one half of the dipole perhaps 6 inches and shortened the other half by the same amount. The field strength measurements were the same. I believe I also did the same thing again with something like a one foot lengthening and one foot shortening, and once again no change in the signal strength. I did not write down the SWR, but if my memory serves me correctly there was no significant change in that either. I did have a good feed line choke which may have helped prevent adverse effects from this slightly unbalanced dipole. This was not a scientific test so errors could have easily been something like a dB and also this was done in the near field which is not the best way to make measurements. So I feel confident that an unbalanced c
ondition of a few percent will probably not cause any measurable problems.
Rick KL7CW
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