Slug tuned coil installation

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Slug tuned coil installation

Mike Monger
Hi Elecraft builders and users,

I am currently building a K2, SN 04777.

Although, I am not new to kit building, it has been many years since I have built anything.  Thus, I have forgotten a few things.  Which, brings me to this question, "In the installation of slug tuned coils, is it necessary to solder the two(wide) legs which are attached to the "can/case" of the coil?"

I am wanting to think that I did this in the past.  But, upon looking at the two or three slug tuned coils that I have already installed on the K2's RF board, I do not find that they electrically connect to anything else.  Thus, I am wondering if it is really necessary to solder them.  Since, it appears that they are just used to hold the coil in place.  And, the width of the hole (around said legs) would take bunches of solder to fill.

I have tried a search in the archives, concerning soldering slug tuned coils etc.  But, cannot find anything that pertains to the installation of slug tuned coils.

Thanks in advance,


P.S.  First smoke test of the K2 (control board, front panel etc.) was great, everything checked out.

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RE: Slug tuned coil installation

Don Wilhelm-3

Yes solder the cans, the inductors will not be properly shielded unless the
can is connected to ground - it doesn't take that much solder - and yes
solder both tabs.


> -----Original Message-----
> Although, I am not new to kit building, it has been many years
> since I have built anything.  Thus, I have forgotten a few
> things.  Which, brings me to this question, "In the installation
> of slug tuned coils, is it necessary to solder the two(wide) legs
> which are attached to the "can/case" of the coil?"
> I am wanting to think that I did this in the past.  But, upon
> looking at the two or three slug tuned coils that I have already
> installed on the K2's RF board, I do not find that they
> electrically connect to anything else.  Thus, I am wondering if
> it is really necessary to solder them.  Since, it appears that
> they are just used to hold the coil in place.  And, the width of
> the hole (around said legs) would take bunches of solder to fill.

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