Soldering and ESD

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Soldering and ESD

Rolf Moberg, OH6KXL

I am looking for a good tranceiver. It seems K2/100 could be good
solution. I have some questions. My soldering station is Weller WHS 40.
It's the cheapest one temperature controlled soldering iron from Weller.
It is not ESD-solder.

My plan is to use ESD-carpet on the table, connect my wrist to ground
bar on the wall via 1 Mohm resistor, and connect soldering iron's base
spring to ground bar.

Iron's tip is not grounded. Could it be grounded during soldering job by
hitting the tip to the grounded base spring?

How you folks have managed with no-ESD-soldering stations?

Another topic. My headset is Heil Pro Set plus, normal version (not Icom
version). Could it be used with K2?

Rolf Moberg

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Re: Soldering and ESD

Andrea Borgia
On Sat, February 5, 2005 10:05, Rolf Moberg, OH6KXL said:

> How you folks have managed with no-ESD-soldering stations?

Hello, Rolf, nice to see you here too! 8-)

I built my KX1 with a no-ESD Weller (can't remember model no.) on a wooden
table covered with a slightly damp flat sponge (sorry, flat, not
squarepants ;-)... I just removed a wool sweater I had on before building
and frequently touched the wall and the ground and always before handling
ESD sensitive parts.

They say the proof is in the pudding and my KX1 works nicely, so I
supposed you could do it as well.


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Re: Soldering and ESD

John Lonigro

On the other hand, you are spending lots of money on the radio, possibly
over $1500  depending on the accessories you end up buying.   Plus
you'll be investing several weeks of your time in the project.  Earlier
this week, there were several notes about a grounded tip soldering
station that was very reasonably priced.  Of course you might succeed in
building the K2 with an ungrounded soldering station, but you also might
be kicking yourself down the road when you turn it on and find out you
need to spend several more days troubleshooting the rig, buying a good
desoldering tool, and possibly waiting for replacement parts, all
because you zapped a part with your ungrounded soldering station.

Whatever your decision, good luck with the build.


John AA0VE

Andrea Borgia wrote:

>On Sat, February 5, 2005 10:05, Rolf Moberg, OH6KXL said:
>>How you folks have managed with no-ESD-soldering stations?
>Hello, Rolf, nice to see you here too! 8-)
>I built my KX1 with a no-ESD Weller (can't remember model no.) on a wooden
>table covered with a slightly damp flat sponge.
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Re: Soldering and ESD

Geoffrey Mackenzie-Kennedy-2
In reply to this post by Rolf Moberg, OH6KXL
Hello Rolf,
> Another topic. My headset is Heil Pro Set plus, normal version (not Icom
> version). Could it be used with K2?

I have always used a Heil Pro-Set plus, normal version, without any
modification made to the K2. Get full 100W PEP out on all bands, speaking in
normal voice, and often get nice reports on audio even if quality report not
asked for.


GM4ESD     K2/100  #3255

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