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Some Questions re Constructing KPA100

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Some Questions re Constructing KPA100

Mike Walkington-3
Hi All,

The last 10 months have flown by settling back into Australia after 4 years
in Seattle.  At last I have found time to work on the KPA100 that I bought
just before I left the US.   I have the following few quick
comments/questions that I'm hoping someone can confirm/answer (I have a few
other questions re parts that I'll send direct to Elecraft):

1 - My SSB MCU is version 1.04.  Instructions call for later than version
1.06 (a later version wasn't supplied and I'll talk to Elecraft about that).
The question is how essential is a later version and why?

2 - I'm assuming that once you get through the initial construction steps
and have installed the new Control Board MCU (In my case version 2.03D
replacing version 2.01H) that you can leave the new one in and use the K2
while you continue construction.  Is this true?

3 - Also, I read somewhere that all settings are saved in the PROM, so I
assume I don't have to re-calibrate anything once the new MCU is installed -
is this true?

4 - I received an updated K2IOC (version 1.07).  My K2 has a version 1.02.
I can't find reference to installing the new K2IOC in the KPA assembly
instructions.  I assume that I can just install it.  Is this true?  What
extra utility does it provide?

5 - I'm planning to install KPA in external EC2.  Should I first install and
test it installed in the K2 or are there steps that I can avoid and go
straight to installation into the EC2?



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Re: Some Questions re Constructing KPA100

Don Wilhelm-3

You can install the updated firmware any time proir to installing the
KPA100.  Upgrade is necessary if the KPA100 is to be recognized and

Sorry but I can't recall what the SSB option upgrade does with respect to
the KPA100.

While you old settings MAY be retained, it is always a good idea to record
your settings beforehand - if you ever have to do a master reset, you will
be glad for the record-keeping.  Download the A to B mod instructions and
look at the list of menu settings it contains on pages 3 and 4.  If you
record nothing else, write down the filter and BFO settings for all filters,
all modes (CW, CWr, LSB, USB, and if used, RTTY and RTTYr).

IMHO, one should record the settings after building the K2 just to have a
record.  I'm wondering if the K2 manual should contain a page for recording
the settings (yes, I realize many folks won't bother - too anxious to just
use the new K2).


----- Original Message -----

> 1 - My SSB MCU is version 1.04.  Instructions call for later than version
> 1.06 (a later version wasn't supplied and I'll talk to Elecraft about
> that).
> The question is how essential is a later version and why?
> 2 - I'm assuming that once you get through the initial construction steps
> and have installed the new Control Board MCU (In my case version 2.03D
> replacing version 2.01H) that you can leave the new one in and use the K2
> while you continue construction.  Is this true?
> 3 - Also, I read somewhere that all settings are saved in the PROM, so I
> assume I don't have to re-calibrate anything once the new MCU is
> installed -
> is this true?
> 4 - I received an updated K2IOC (version 1.07).  My K2 has a version 1.02.
> I can't find reference to installing the new K2IOC in the KPA assembly
> instructions.  I assume that I can just install it.  Is this true?  What
> extra utility does it provide?
> 5 - I'm planning to install KPA in external EC2.  Should I first install
> and
> test it installed in the K2 or are there steps that I can avoid and go
> straight to installation into the EC2?
> Cheers
> Mike
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