Sounds Sweet - Alternative

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Sounds Sweet - Alternative

Tom Mc
I purchased the Sounds Sweet speaker and am quite satisfied with it as the
external speaker for my K2.

  However, shortly after receiving the speaker, the October 2004 issue of
QST came in the mail.  This issue had a cover story  on building your own
high-quality speaker and it looked quite interesting.  It did seem to
require some minimal (?) woodworking skills but all in all it looked pretty
good.  This speaker is more geared to the audio frequencies used by hams,
with a switchover for music, etc.  The Sounds Sweet is really a general
purpose speaker.

Had I not already purchased the  Sounds Sweet speaker, I may have tried the
QST speaker.  I mention this to anyone who may be turned away by the price
tag on the Sounds Sweet.  (It cost me almost $130.00 with s/h and NY State
sales tax).  I didn't price the parts of the QST speaker, but my guess it
would less expensive to build.

It's my understanding that Elecraft was also considering a speaker and had a
few prototypes made up.  It's also my understanding that they have decided
not to go forward with this -- any insights on this from anyone?

K2 1103

-----Original Message-----
From: Phil LaMarche <[hidden email]>
To: [hidden email] <[hidden email]>
Date: Monday, January 31, 2005 10:02 PM
Subject: [Elecraft] Sounds Sweet

Several emails asking where to get the Sounds Sweet speaker...............


Philip LaMarche
LaMarche Enterprises, Inc.
(800) 395-7795 pin 02
Cell 727-510-5038
FAX- 727-937-8834
N.A.S.F.T # 30210

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