On Sun, 2005-13-02 at 22:03 -0500, Mike B wrote:
> I've been fiddling with Baudline (spectrum analysis software for Linux,
> among other OS's), but couldn't figure out how to get the simple
> frequency markers like you can get in Spectrogram.
Neither could I. I'm pretty sure it doesn't have that feature.
> For kicks, I tried running Spectrogram version 5.17 (last free version)
> under Linux, via CrossOver Office, version 3.0.1. It works great. I
> can't get a full screen, but that's most likely due to my laptop's video
> card.
I use Win4Lin when I need to run Windows software - it will run just
about anything, whereas CrossOver Office won't run a lot of stuff. I
prefer to use native apps as much as possible, however, and baudline
worked very well for aligning my K2's filters. Did you try opening the
averaging window? It's a great way to see the filter response without
the noise. I have it the same size and same scale as the main window,
and stack the two windows vertically.
> FWIW, Linux here is Slackware 10.0, with some -current updates.
Fedora Core 3.
73, Brian
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