Spectrogram in Linux

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Spectrogram in Linux

Mike B-12
Just a quick note, and I apologize if this has been mentioned before.

I've been fiddling with Baudline (spectrum analysis software for Linux,
among other OS's), but couldn't figure out how to get the simple
frequency markers like you can get in Spectrogram.

For kicks, I tried running Spectrogram version 5.17 (last free version)
under Linux, via CrossOver Office, version 3.0.1.  It works great.  I
can't get a full screen, but that's most likely due to my laptop's video

Just wanted to mention this for the record.

FWIW, Linux here is Slackware 10.0, with some -current updates.
Mike Boice, KW1ND
Karns, TN
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Re: Spectrogram in Linux

Brian Mury-3
On Sun, 2005-13-02 at 22:03 -0500, Mike B wrote:
> I've been fiddling with Baudline (spectrum analysis software for Linux,
> among other OS's), but couldn't figure out how to get the simple
> frequency markers like you can get in Spectrogram.

Neither could I. I'm pretty sure it doesn't have that feature.

> For kicks, I tried running Spectrogram version 5.17 (last free version)
> under Linux, via CrossOver Office, version 3.0.1.  It works great.  I
> can't get a full screen, but that's most likely due to my laptop's video
> card.

I use Win4Lin when I need to run Windows software - it will run just
about anything, whereas CrossOver Office won't run a lot of stuff. I
prefer to use native apps as much as possible, however, and baudline
worked very well for aligning my K2's filters. Did you try opening the
averaging window? It's a great way to see the filter response without
the noise. I have it the same size and same scale as the main window,
and stack the two windows vertically.

> FWIW, Linux here is Slackware 10.0, with some -current updates.

Fedora Core 3.

73, Brian

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