Thanks to everybody who kindly replied my message about my "Witchcraft"
K1 yesterday. The problem with no TX-output is now solved, and no, it
was not a bad solder joint causing the trouble. Instead it was resistor
R-30 (3.3 Ohm) on the RF board which caused the problem. It´s likely
that the resistor had a defect from the manufacture, causing it to
"open" when a current floated thru it. I replaced the resistor with two
other ones, coupled in parallell and soldered on the bottom side of the
RF board. The parallell resistors got close enough to 3.3 Ohms and my K1
now delivers 5+++ watts on all four bands and works like a dream. The
first QSO was with EA8/DL3KVR on 10 MHz at 2002 UTC, hi!
Special thanks to Jerry / WA2DKG, who adviced me to check the R-30
resistor carefully. Without his advice, I had never solved this problem.
Thanks, Jerry!
Hans / LA2MOA
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