Sprectrogram V11.0

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Sprectrogram V11.0

Dan Schieler
Just finishing my K2 and wanted to use Spectrogram to align the filters.
I downloaded Sprectrogram V11.0.  However, the link Gary at Elecraft
pointed me to seems to be for a much older version.  The instructions
are from 2000 and first step to bring up the menu even refers to the
wrong function key.  I've never used this software before so I need a
good set of instructions to get this done.  I had seen some previous
emails going around about other instructions, but I'm not finding them
on a search of the archives.  Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: Sprectrogram V11.0

Bob -  W5BIG
Hi Dan,

Spectrogram 11 has extra features that are not required to align the K2
filters.  There is a very useful early version of Spectrogram that was
released as freeware.  It will do what you need to align your K2. You can
find a link to it here:

along with some screen shots showing the setup parameters that I've found
useful and links to some tutorials.

73/ Bob - W5BIG

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan Schieler" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2004 8:12 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] Sprectrogram V11.0

Just finishing my K2 and wanted to use Spectrogram to align the filters.
I downloaded Sprectrogram V11.0.  However, the link Gary at Elecraft
pointed me to seems to be for a much older version.  The instructions
are from 2000 and first step to bring up the menu even refers to the
wrong function key.  I've never used this software before so I need a
good set of instructions to get this done.  I had seen some previous
emails going around about other instructions, but I'm not finding them
on a search of the archives.  Any help would be appreciated.


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Re: Sprectrogram V11.0

Tom Hammond-3
In reply to this post by Dan Schieler

First - There is NO NEED to use the latest/greatest version of Spectrogram.
In fact, there are NO docs currently written to directly support that version.

Next - Go to my web site


and download v5.1.7 AND the documentation written to match that version of
the software. They're both there, one right above the other.

Just click on the QuikLink to go directly to that section of the page.


Tom Hammond    N0SS

At 08:12 AM 10/14/04, you wrote:

>Just finishing my K2 and wanted to use Spectrogram to align the filters.
>I downloaded Sprectrogram V11.0.  However, the link Gary at Elecraft
>pointed me to seems to be for a much older version.  The instructions
>are from 2000 and first step to bring up the menu even refers to the
>wrong function key.  I've never used this software before so I need a
>good set of instructions to get this done.  I had seen some previous
>emails going around about other instructions, but I'm not finding them
>on a search of the archives.  Any help would be appreciated.
>Thx K5GUS
>Elecraft mailing list
>Post to: [hidden email]
>You must be a subscriber to post to the list.
>Subscriber Info (Addr. Change, sub, unsub etc.):
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>Elecraft web page: http://www.elecraft.com

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