Sproggy on 7180?

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Sproggy on 7180?

David Andrews-4
In UK we've just got 7100-7200. Listening on 7180-7185 I'm receiving
stations with considerable distortion . Above and below are fine. Checking
on two other receivers the transmissions on 7180-7185 sound clean. Is there
a sproggy mixing within the K2 giving this localised distortion?

David Andrews G4CWB

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RE: Sproggy on 7180?

Sverre Holm
As 7.1-7.2 MHz is becoming available to more and more Europeans, it is not
surprising that more and more of us will also experience what the US
amateurs have coined: Weird At One Frequency = WAOF, see
http://www.elecraft.com/Apps/Alert11_WAOF.html for explanation and fix, and
also K2 A to B modification, most of which are referenced under LA3ZA
Unofficial K2 Mods: http://www.qsl.net/la3za/K2/mod.html under 1. General

Just for my curiosity: does warble and sproggy mean the same?



-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email]
[mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of David Andrews
Sent: 31. oktober 2004 13:10
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [Elecraft] Sproggy on 7180?

In UK we've just got 7100-7200. Listening on 7180-7185 I'm receiving
stations with considerable distortion . Above and below are fine. Checking
on two other receivers the transmissions on 7180-7185 sound clean. Is there
a sproggy mixing within the K2 giving this localised distortion?

David Andrews G4CWB

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Re: Sproggy on 7180?

Don Wilhelm-3
In reply to this post by David Andrews-4

This is the "Weird At One Frequency (WAOF)" problem.
Check out Builder's Alert #11 on the Elecraft website and while you are
there, download the instructions for the A to B upgrade which contains
additional steps for dealing with this problem.


----- Original Message -----

> In UK we've just got 7100-7200. Listening on 7180-7185 I'm receiving
> stations with considerable distortion . Above and below are fine. Checking
> on two other receivers the transmissions on 7180-7185 sound clean. Is
> there
> a sproggy mixing within the K2 giving this localised distortion?

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