Static - a true story

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Static - a true story

Dave G.
I was working with a large scale scientific computer in a
temperature and humidity controlled environment (68F
and 50%H).
We were encountering quasi random errors which were
(eventually) traced to coincide with console operations
with a particular operator. There were no input errors on
the key strokes!!
We called in the local University's research department
to try to help us.
Even though we had anti-static mats, grounding tabs,
and we were using carpets with a copper strand content,
it was found that this particular operator would carry a
charge of ~18KV when walking from the tape drives to
the console. Big "zap" on the keyboard, microsecond
Long story made short -- The operator (female - no bias
intended) was requested to refrain from wearing
nylon/polyester clothing, she agreed and the problem
was solved.
Moral: If you are nor going to take anti-static
precautions, then sit *very* still in your chair and don't
shuffle your feet !!


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