Status report K2 #4155

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Status report K2 #4155

Joe Ford

Successfully completed: Alignment and Test, Part II. All within spec.
What fun, watching everything come up with the right numbers.

I started my inventory around the first of May and actual construction
on May 15th. So I'm not breaking any speed records. Even completing my
K1 #764 without a problem did not prepare me for the thrill that I'm
getting from building this kit. I cannot put into words the gratitude I
feel to Elecraft (and the group on this reflector) for this experience.

Well, back to work. Looks like there are still a few toroids left to

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Re: Status report K2 #4155

Enjoy your experience with kit building.  I built 6 K2 in the past and still
enjoy building it.


Johnny Siu VR2XMC
----- Original Message -----
From: "Joe Ford" <[hidden email]>
To: <[hidden email]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2004 9:31 AM
Subject: [Elecraft] Status report K2 #4155

> Successfully completed: Alignment and Test, Part II. All within spec.
> What fun, watching everything come up with the right numbers.
> I started my inventory around the first of May and actual construction
> on May 15th. So I'm not breaking any speed records. Even completing my
> K1 #764 without a problem did not prepare me for the thrill that I'm
> getting from building this kit. I cannot put into words the gratitude I
> feel to Elecraft (and the group on this reflector) for this experience.
> Well, back to work. Looks like there are still a few toroids left to
> wind.
> Joe
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